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Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XD99/1/3/1 RAILWAY TIME TABLES: (Published as a supplement to the North Wales Chronicle, 6 October 1860).  1860 OCT.
XD99/1/3/2 FORM of Income Tax Return, The Society for Promoting the Interests of the Trading Community.  1867
XD99/1/3/3 NOTICE of the Society for Promoting the Interests of the Trading Community.  1868 Jan.
XD99/1/3/4 PRICE LIST: The Prince Llewellyn Slate Quarry Company, Dolwyddelan, Caernarfonshire. Appended: Stamp of Duncan Ewing and Company, Liverpool.  1878 April 1
XD99/1/3/5 REPORT: Inspector’s examination, The Manchester Steam Users’ Association.  1884 May 5
XD99/1/3/6 GUARANTEE of Boiler, The Manchester Steam Users’ Association.  1884 Aug. 26
XD99/1/3/7 REPORT: Inspector’s examination, The Manchester Steam Users’ Association.  1884 Sept. 17
XD99/1/3/8 REPORT on Inspector’s Examination, The Manchester Steam Users’ Association.  1884 Dec. 30
XD99/1/3/9 BUNDLE of Indentures of Apprenticeship. Printed [Uncompleted, 5 pieces.]  pre 1900
XD99/1/3/10 FORM: Contracts of Employment Act 1963. [Uncompleted]  c.1963
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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.