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MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT 1. Valentine Gardner of Brydustone Street, Middlesex, esq 2. Frances Thruston of Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk, widow 3. Rt. Hon. Allen Gardener and Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty and Samuel Holworthy of Bath, Somerset, esq Valentine Gardner is to marry Frances Thruston. V. Gardner assigns to Rt. Hon. A. Gardner in trust of £3,000, 3% annuities and V. Gardner to enjoy interest during lifetime . If F. Thruston survives V. Gardner, F. Thruston is then to receive interest for her support and the support of her children. Rt. Hon. A. Gardner can apply part of interest and education of children after V. Gardners death. Dividable between children if age of 21. If V. Gardner survives F. Thruston then stock is to revert to V. Gardner. If 2. survives 1 and there are no children stock is to pass to her on V. Gardner’s death.

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