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MORTGAGE between Clement A. Thruston of Pennal Towers, in the county of Merioneth, Constance S. M. Thruston, his wife and The Estate Trustees of the Legal and General Life Assurance Society of Life Estate,. Jointure, Rent Charge and Policy of Assurance for securing £1000 and interest with NOTICE OF MORTGAGE (3 copies) between the above parties with NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT between the above parties with CERTIFICATE of SUPREME COURT of INDICATURE RECEIPT of Messrs Merriman from Lawrence Graham and Long 13 October 1887 . lands (recited in Will of Charles Thomas Thruston of Talgarth in the county of Merioneth 3 February, 1854) in the parishes of Towyn, Pennal and Celynin in the county of Merioneth and in parishes of Machynlleth and Myfod in the county of Montgomery and Rent Charge £400 if Mrs. Thunstall remains widow and £200 if she re-marries. Repayment at the rate of £6 per cent per annum.

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