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Pryce Edwards of Talgarth, Towyn in the county of Merioneth, esq. and John Pryce of Pandy Rhosfarch, Pennal in the county of Merioneth, Dyer.
LEASE for 21 years from March 25th, 1807 or for life of John Pryce, of dwelling house and fulling mill of Pandy Rhosfarch with lands and appurtenances i.e. Coed Cae Issa and Coed Cae Ucha, Coed Deintur Issa and Coed Deintur Ucha with pasture for 30 sheep.
Rent: £12.12.0. per annum. Pryce to build fulling mill and two
bays of building adjoining dwelling house.

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.